Since its founding in 1988, Irish Repertory Theatre has been embraced by a generous community of donors committed to supporting the works of Irish and Irish-American artists. The direct support of the members of our audiences and of our neighbors in the community is a true testament to the success of the work on our stages.
Irish Rep gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, foundation, corporate, and government supporters who have contributed to Irish Rep in the past year.
As of January 7, 2025.
* Indicates support of our annual Gala
† Indicates a deceased supporter
$25,000 & above
Kathleen Begala & Yves-André Istel*
Loretta Brennan Glucksman*
Tom Cashin
John Duane*
Tina Pendergrast Santi Flaherty*
John Gardiner*
Michael & Karen Keogh*
Ellen McCourt*
Colleen A. Murphy*
Mary Lou & Joe Quinlan*
Virginia Richards
Nancy Woodruff & Mark Lancaster*
$8,000 – $24,999
Kay Allaire
Anthony & Patricia Alofsin
Mitch Appel*
Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley*
Kim Bendheim
Jane & Raphael Bernstein
Paul & Jeanne Carroll
Kevin M. Curley*
John DellaNoce*
Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel, in honor of Tom Cashin
Kathleen & Michael Dowling
Eoin & Rebecca Duane*
Patricia Dugan, in memory of The Dugan Family
Ellen & Frank Estes
Herbert & Cynthia Fields
Edward Greene*
Melinda P. Hamilton, in honor of Charlotte Moore & Ciarán O’Reilly
Joseph Hassett*
Deborah & Rocco Landesman*
Simon Lorne*
Sophie Sweetman McConnell*
Monica Mullin
Barry Munger & Sarah O’Neill
Joan O’Meara Winant*
Peter O’Neill
Brendan O’Reilly*
Kathleen & Peter Quinn*
Barry & Sheryl Schwartz
John J. Shay Jr.
Anna V. Smith
Daniel Snow & Merilee Raines
Anne & Scott Springer
Gary Stern
$4,000 – $7,999
Anne Anderson & Dr. Franklin Lowe
Bernard Bailey
John Lee Beatty*
Kathleen Walsh & Gene Bernstein
David & Deirdre Brennan*
Ann Burgmeyer
Trixia Camacho & Anthony Aguila
Brendan Cameron, in honor of Tess & John Cameron
Linda Carson*
Robert Chavez
Susan Colucci-Tarzia
Jane Curley & Peggy Bacon
Margaret Duffy
David Evans
Linda Fane*
Ellen Feeley
Lee Fitzpatrick
Paul & Nancy Ford
Patricia Francy
Shelly & Vincent Fremont*
Monique Giroux
John Greed
James Hart
Sigrid Hess
Jerry Heymann
Sophie Hughes*
Peter Kelly
Robert Kelman
Swoosie Kurtz
Cathy & Christopher Lawrence*
Stephen Leahy
Lois Lipton
Florence Mahony†, in memory of Brian Mahony
Patricia & Bernard McElhone
Eileen McInerney
Terry Meehan, in honor of Kathleen Begala
Mike Mellody
Esther Milsted & Mark Luis Villamar
Patricia & Robert O’Brien
Micheal O’Siadhail & Christina Weltz, in honor of Charlotte Moore & Ciarán O’Reilly
Carole Pesner
Marcia Purcell
Thomas Quick*
Robert Robbins
David & Deborah Roberts
Don & Dana Scardino-Williams
John Schwartz
Jack Sennott
Kate Terrell
Gary & Margaret Wendlandt
Vaughn Williams*
Nina & Michael Zilkha
$1,500 – $3,999
Vernon Bauer & Christopher Carolan
Steven Beede*
Dr. Dympna Bowles & Donal Farley
Peter Burk & Nelly Edmondson*
Maureen & James Callanan*
Elizabeth & Colin Callender, in honor of Tom Cashin
Charles Carberry
William Carlough
Michael Charles
Andrew Cohen, in honor of Tom Cashin
Julie Connelly
Linda Corradina
Wendy Curtis
Martin Daly
Keith de Lellis
John de Stefano*
Gene & Harold deBartolo*
Joan Weingarten and Bob Donnalley
Linda Dupree
Michael Emerson*
John Fitzpatrick
Mike Forman
Lori & Edward Forstein
John & Marianne Fouhey
Patti & Chris Gallagher
Richard Garvey
Maureen Gebhardt & Len Goldberg, in honor of Nancy Woodruff
Donald Ginty
Barbara Gordon
Kathryn Greenberg, in honor of Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel
Mary E. Harrigan & Andrew P. Tothy*
Molly Heines & Thomas Moloney*
Jon Herbert
Jane B. Holzer*
James Houlihan*
Robert & Sally Huxley
Penny & Thomas Campbell Jackson*
Adrian M. Jones
Patricia & William Jordan
Thomas Kelly*
Colin Kennedy
Brigid & Ed Kenney
Kate Shea & Tim Kennon
Neal Kilbane*
Ann Korelitz, in honor of The Korelitz/Matza/Muldoons
Mary Jane & Jeff Kupsky, in honor of Nancy Woodruff & Colleen Murphy
Elizabeth & Thomas Lavin
Thomas & Judy Leane
Andrew Levander
Patricia Lewis
Claire Lieberwitz, in memory of Arthur Grayzel
Dr. Jim Marion & Allison Rutledge-Parisi, in honor of Charlotte Moore & Ciarán O’Reilly
Bobby McCain*
Gerard Meagher*
Ned & Valerie Monaghan
Mairead O’Sullivan*
Peter & Marilyn Oswald
Carolyn Perla & Joseph Cahalan*
Maryellen & Mark Phelan
Clifford Press
Gustavus Remak Ramsay
Saul Raw
Maria & Steve Reed
Joseph Rokacz
Jim Rossman
Fiona & Eric Rudin, in honor of Tom Cashin
Nancy Sands
Ellen Schleifer
Hon. Brian Smith
Donna & George Smith
Matthew Smyth
Ingrid & Jeffrey Steffensen
Patricia Stockhausen & Michael Emmerman
Billy Sullivan & Brooks Adams
Dennis Swanson
Kenneth Tannenbaum
Frances & Paul Turner
Loretta Ucelli*
Paul Ukena, in honor of Tom Cashin
Rima Vargas-Vetter, in honor of Tom Cashin
Julia Vitullo-Martin
Simona & Peter Volpi
Susan Wagner
Elsie Walker
Angela & David Westwater
Stephen Whyte
Beverly Willson
Susan Yarnell
Burton & Sue Zwick
$850 – $1,499
Anonymous, in memory of Joe Clarke
Andrea Anson
Dylan J. Baker*
Dan Barry & Mary Trinity
Elizabeth Bass
Gail Galvani Bell
Sheila & Clarence Blair
Carmine Boccuzzi*
Sandy Brant*
Peg Breen
Dr. Elizabeth AR Brown†
Frances Browne
Edmund Byrnes, in honor of The Byrnes & Corkery Clans
Cathy Caplan & Grahame Weinbren
Cathy & Andrew Carron
Judy Cash
Patrick Comaskey*
Matthew Conroy
Michela Daliana
James & Lucy Danziger*
James & Diana Davies
Kay & Ivor Deane
Stephanie & Michael Ferdman Fund, in honor of Tom Cashin
Jan & Dick Demenus
Laura Desmarais
Beth Rudin DeWoody & Firooz Zahedi, in honor of Tom Cashin
Adriana Dilancea
Ann & Dan DiPietro
Domitilia Dos Santos
Dorothy Doyle
Sheila G. Dunphy, in memory of Don Dunphy, Jr.
Cathy Dwyer
Anita & John Fiorillo
Joan Flanigan*
David Frankel & Lynn Freedman
Marguerite Gary
Patricia Geoghegan
Mary & Alec Gerster
Dr. Fred Gilbert
Joe Godfrey & Keith Halstead, in honor of Ellen McCourt
David Green & Karen Segal
Judith Greengus & David Perlstein
Michelle Griffin
Marie Grimm
William Grimm
David & Phyllis Grossman
Carol & Steve Gutman
Thomas Hamill
Mary Harrison
Paula Harwood & Peter Gallagher
James & Ellen Hillman
Rita Houlihan
Karen Howlett
Geraldine Hughes
Rita H. Irons, in honor of Trish Harty
Bill & Margaret Kable
Sharon Karmazin
Eric & Susan Katz
Deborah Brown
Thomas Kearns
James F. Keegan
Christian Keesee*
Anthony Kelly
Linda & Chris Kuehne
Suzanne Laurier
Loretto Leary
Stephanie & Samuel Lebowitz
Francois & Calleen Letaconnoux*
Jeanne Levan
Beth & Jim Lewis
Douglas & Wendy Liebhafsky
Nelson J. Luria
Maria-Lisa Lydon
Jane Macan
Steve Martin & Anne Springfield, in honor of Jean Korelitz
Doris May
Margaret McConnell Neckles, in honor of Margaret Tolan McConnell
Mark Merriman*
Tobias Meyer & Mark Fletcher*
Helen & Gary Mills
Ned Monaghan*
Dr. Nicholas Morrissey, in honor of Thomas McLaughlin
Michael P. Mullen & David Freiman*
Mark Murphy & Amy Greer
Michael Nassar
Fay Novack
Mary O’Donnell Hulme
James O’Malley*
Sylvia & Michael O’Neill
Maureen O’Reardon
Alexandra of Greece*
Mona Perlhagen*
Leslie Purcell*
Matthew Quirk
Katia & Howard Read*
Maria & Steve Reed
Carolmaria Rehhausser
Jonathan Reilly
Matthew & Beth Ricciardi
Kathleen Roberts
Ricki Roer
Marjorie Rosenthal
Brian Sawyer
Janet Kane Scapin
Patricia Schoenfeld
Laura Schwally
Thomas & Cynthia Sculco
Terry Sheridan
James Sherman
Zachary & Susan Shimer
Pamela Singleton
J. Smith-Cameron
Ric Sonder & Susan Monserud
Michael Stanton
Chris & Joanne Stavrou
Anna Sui
Dr. Larry Sullivan
Gregory Sullivan
Jonas Sundström
Anne Tallon
Laura & Steven Taub, in honor of Tom Cashin Jean & Kenneth Telljohann
Susan Isla Tepper, in honor of Stella Ryan
William Thurston
Meredith Trede & Brad Kenyon
Dan Barry & Mary Trinity
Mindy & Marc Utay
Richard & Linda Warren
Harrison Weisner
Ken Weiss, in honor of Tom Cashin
Jane Whitney Gruson, in honor of Ellen McCourt
Nicolas Wieder
Sarah & Gary Wolkowitz*, in honor of Tom Cashin
G. Vaughan Wortman
Brann Wry
Kathi & Andrew Young
Patricia Zervos
$350 – $849
Anonymous, in honor of Colleen Murphy
Bill & Elizabeth Aarnes
Debo Adegbile
Sultan Ahamed
Joseph Aiello, Jr.
Enid Ain
Janice Akerhielm
Katherine Albertini
Michael Alcamo
C. Edmonds Allen
Janice Pratt & Roy Allison
Joseph Anderer
Richard Anderman, in honor of Tom Cashin Oliver & Brenda Anderson
Heather Anguiano
Andrew M. Ansorge
Anthony Argentino
Patricia Armstrong
Eileen Arthurs
Lisa Awano
Edward Barlow
Robert Barrett
Judith Barry & Kevin McCormack
Francis Barry
Andrea Battel
Douglas Baxter
Denise & Carter Bays
Kieran Beer
Cecelia Beirne
Joseph Bell & Peter Longo
Sean Benson
Paul Bergman
Pegi & Kent Bernard
Sue Bernstein
Clint Best
Harry Bixler
Matthew Bloch & Marilyn Pasierb
Mark Blunda
Marla J. Bobowick, in honor of Nancy Woodruff & Mark Lancaster
Stephen Bogardus
Dr. Marion Boultbee
Trish Bowen & Stan Guzek
Gail Boyle & Justine Diianni
Edmond Brady*
Carol Brennan & Bob Crothers*
Martha Brewer
Severine Brichard-Rooney
Katherine Brogan
Edward Burnetta
David Butters
Dr. Linda Byington
Brendan Cahill
Eileen Calder
Tad & Peggy Campion
Mark & Stephanie Carey
Edward Carey
Mary Lou Carraher
Joel Patrick Casey
Mary & George Castellitto
Agnes Cavalari
Carolyn Chave
Dr. Donna Chirico
Kathleen Chopin
Kathleen Clark & Richard Frankel*
Mayree Clark
Howard Clyman
Suzanne & Robert Cochran*
Barbara Codd
Dr. Michael Coffey
Richard & Irene Coffman
Bob Colacello*
Lewis Cole
Mary Jo Collins
Lynn Collins
Joseph Conklin
Melissa Connerton
Aidan Connolly & Roberto Achacoso*
Joe & Paula Connolly
Patricia Conran
Mary Kay Conwell
Marina Couloucoundis*
Fred & Barbara Cummings
Robert Curley
John Curran
Jeanne Curtis
Julie Daher
Dr. Jeff Dailey
Chris Daley
Katie Daly*
Jeremy Daniel
Blythe Danner
Lisa-Karyn Davidoff
Anne S. Davidson
Lynne Day
Kay Deaux
Monroe Denton
Jamie deRoy, in memory of John McMartin
Kathleen DeVito
Janet Dewar
Marlin Mattson & Robert Dickerson
Martha & Stephen Dietz, in honor of Rufus Collins
Prof. Brett Dignam
Rita Dillon
Joanne Dillon
Mary Lynn Dobson
Patricia Donohue
Donald Donovan
Lorna Doran
John Doran
Richard & Jennie Dorn
Sally Dorough
Susan Dowling
Joe Dowling & Siobhan Cleary, in honor of Charlotte Moore & Ciarán O’Reilly
Joyce Doyle
Mitchell & Donna Drach
Emer Duffy
D.G. Weber-Duffy & Kevin Duffy, in honor of Charlotte Moore & Ciarán O’Reilly
Emily Dunlap
Robert Dunn
Arthur Dunnam for Jed Johnson Studio, in honor of Tom Cashin
Dulcina Eisen
Barbara & Peter Entin
Laurie Eustis
Prof. Jim Fauvell
Kathleen Fay
Martin Feinman
Michael J. Fenlon & Dana Y. Wu
Thomas Fergus
Steven Finley
Sarah & David Fisher
Robin Fitelson
Brian Flaherty
Robert Flaherty
Michael & Noreen Flugger
Rosaleen Flynn
Tom Fontana*
Sarah Foote
Charles Forma
Burke & Carol Fossee
Jonathan Foster*
Kay Foster*
Beth Fowler Witham*
George Frawley
David Frendewey
Jane Furth
Andrew Fussner
Catherine Futter
Kerith Gardner
Elan Garonzik
Robert G. Gasson
Charles & Brenda Gelles
Anna Gill
Thomas & Elizabeth Gillett
Edward Giltenan
James Gleick
Linda Goeth
Lillian Gola
Margaret Goodman
Joyce Gordon
Clare Gorman
Marianne & Brian Grady
Elizabeth Grayer
William Patric Gregory
Kristin & Peter Griffith
William Grogan
Michelle Tokarczyk & Paul Groncki
Rachel Grygorcewicz, in memory of Suzanne Mulligan Brightbill
Jan Guifarro
Robert Hall
Elizabeth Hallin
John Handy
Tiffany Hanulec
Phillip Hanvy
Catherine Harnett
Olga Hartwell
Billy Haugh
Sara Hazelwood
Cheryl Healton
Dr. Denise Heebink
Pamela Heller
Margaret Hennessey
E. Dianne Hennessy
Michael Herko
Kelley Hicks
William Higdon
Ellen Hillman
Regina & Joe Hitchery
Elizabeth Hitz
Ann Hohenhaus
Stephanie Holmes
Marsia Holzer*
Erin E. Houlihan & John T. Bostick
Kathleen Hughes
Priscilla Hughes
Joanne Hvala
David Iles
Marcie Imberman
Christopher Isaacs
Maxine Isaacs
Dr. Loretta Itri
Zeljko Ivanek
Jeanette Ivers
Dana Ivey, in honor of Charlotte Moore
Sarah Jackson
Kathleen & George Jamison
Linda Janklow, in honor of Kathleen Begala
Kaaren Janssen
Jack Johnson
Karen Johnson Le Sueur
Simon Jones
Isabelle Jouanneau-Fertig, in honor of Lune
Thomas Joyce
John Joyce
Wayne Kabak & Marsha Berkowitz
Joan Kaefer
Brian Wynne Kaltner
Michael Kaplan
Marsha Kaplan*
Jordan Katz
Jamie Kay
Kathleen Kearns
Edward Kelleher
Regina Kelly
Margaret Kelly
Jane & Mike Kelly
Pamela Kendall
Lawrence Kenny
Bob Kerrey
Louise Kerz Hirschfeld
Anne Marie Killourhy
Ellen Kirch
Larry Kirwan
Peter Kissel, in memory of Sharon Murphy Kissel
Charles Klemballa
Peter Klosowicz
Lori Koch
Kenneth Kramer
Carol & Sanford Krieger
Judith & Douglas Krupp
Dr. Miodrag Kukrika
Maryanne Laffin
Carolyn Laible
Richard Lalli & Michael Rigsby
Cynthia & Anthony Lamport
Peter Lang, in honor of Tom Cashin
Terence Law
Russ Lawyer
Alexandra Lebenthal
Ann Leddy
John D. Lee
Beverly Leffers
Peter Leffman
Frank & Patricia Lenti
Gina Leonetti
Lauren Lese
Ann Levin
Teresa & Thomas Lilly
Joseph & Linda LoSchiavo
Joel Ludlow
Dr. John Lyden
Maureen Lydon
Attracta Lyndon
Gina MacArthur
Dr. Arien Mack
Edward Mafoud
Emily Magowan
Paul Mahood
Edward Malone
Peter Maloney
John Michael Maloney, in honor of Charlotte Moore & Ciarán O’Reilly
Florence Mannion
Andrea Marber
Ruth Marcon
Marilyn Marcosson
Alan Mark
Jean & Bob Markley
Irving Markovitz, in memory of Ruth Helen Feinberg Markovitz
Peggy Marks
Bill Martin
James Martin
Marsha Mason
Melanie Mason, in memory of the honorable Judge John F. Bell
Joan Mattson
Nina Matza*
Linda Mayerik
Mary & Thomas McCabe
Gerald McCarthy
Brian McCarthy*
Siobhan McCormick
Patricia & John McDonagh
Thomas & Mary Ann McDonald
Brian & Rita McDonough
Diane & Mark McEnroe
Mary McGarry
Patrick McGartland
Mary McGeady
Una McGillicuddy
Michael McGinnis
Sarah McGinty
Thomas McGonigle
Patricia McGovern
Alan & Rochelle McGowan
Kathleen McGraw, in honor of Charlotte Moore
James McGroarty
Cathleen McGuigan
Peggy McGuire
Judith & Raymond McGuire
Lyn McHugh
Alice McInerney
Corinne McSpedon
Matthew Meagher
Professor Martin Meisel
Judith & Richard Merbaum
Josephine Merck
Karen Meyerhoff
Susan Michel
William Miller
Ann Miner
Gwen Arner Moffat
Don & Suzanne Monahan
John Morawetz, in honor of John Millington Synge
Kerry & Michael Morelli
Frank Morra
Louis & Joan Morrell
Margaret Morris
Maura Mulligan
Michael Mulligan
Martin Munitz
Mary Murphy
Mary Murray
Kevin Murray
Kate Murray
Deborah Myers
Fergal Mythen
Anthony Napolio
Dan Napolitano
Charles Nash
Rilla & Jack Neafsey
Richard Nolan
Marietta O’Brien
Liz O’Brien*
Edward O’Dea
Edward O’Donnell
Patrick O’Donoghue
Niall & Geraldine O’Gara
Adele O’Grady Botticelli
Catherine O’Hara
Kevin & Jane O’Mealy
Liam O’Neil
James O’Neill
Mary Kay O’Neill
Anne O’Neill
Peter & Carmel O’Reilly
John O’Rourke
Patricia O’Shea
Jeoffrey & Maureen O’Sullivan
Margaret Molloy & Jim O’Sullivan
Dennis OBrien
Barbara Ogurek
Anita Orlin
Donna Pacicca & Dominic DeCicco
Jeffrey Padnos
Sally Ann Parsons
Perry Pazer
Theresa Perl
Randolph Petsche
Dennis Philbin
Nancy J. Phillips & Thomas A. Dunne
Leonard Pickett
Dian Pickoff
Sandra Pierson Prior
Morris M. Podolsky
Tara Polen
Chris Policano, in honor of Mike Keogh
Christina Polischuk
Dr. Roger Pollock
Carol & Andrew Prendergast
Felice Proctor
Margaret & Bennett Pudlin
Brendan & Nancy Quinn, in memory of Joseph R. Quinn
Ann Quinn Walsh
Maria Ragucci
Ita Rahilly
Lucy Reed
Judy Regan
Eileen Renda
Gretchen Rennell Court
Barbara Reynolds
Charles Rich
Nigel Richmond
Tim Ridge
Michael O. Rigsby & Richard Lalli, in honor of David McElwee & A.J. Shively
Sarajane Robinson Schwartz
Michael Rogan
Caroline & John Romans
Alice Roper
Janet Rosen
Barbara Ross
Andrew Rossi
James & Nicky Rothschild*
James Rowan
Michael C. Ruddy, M.D.
Sandra Rumayor
Eoin Ryan
Dr. Peter Sack
Alfred & Patricia Sainato
Robert Salerno
Cynthia Salten
Patricia Santelli & David Hamilton
Karen & Charles Schader
Chris Schaeffer
Anthony Schlesinger
Cathy Schleussner
David & Sherri Schmidt
Beth Schoenbrun & Robert Marion
David Schrader
Rachel & William Schultz
Lynn Schwartz
Sheryl Schwartz
Susan Schweitzer
Eleonore Schwenger
Carole Shaffer-Koros
Owen Sharkey
Margaret Sharkey
Jeffrey Sharlach
Julia Shea
Barbara Shea
Bart Sheehan
Martin Shnay & Heather Moore*
Anne Shortall
Harriet Shugarman, in honor of Colleen Murphy
Gretchen Siebel
Leslie & Vicki Silverman
Kathleen Simmons
James Sinclair
Rebecca Skinner & Jeffrey Joslin
Ian Slater
David & Laura Smith
Bryan Smith & Laura Buchwald
Anthony Smith
Gretchen & Michael Smith
Barbara Smith
Dr. Thomas Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Jason Smoller, in honor of Charlotte Moore & Ciarán O’Reilly
Patricia Sochor
Rich Soja
Karen & James Speyer
David Staller
Matthew Conroy
Elizabeth & Michael Stanton
Mary Stanutz
Lenore Steiner
Guy Sterling
Thelma & Scott Stroup
Kitty Sullivan
Patricia Sullivan
Nancy Sussman
Walter Swearingen
Kathryn Sweeney
Jane Tate
Carole Teller
Robert Tichio, in honor of Bill Irwin
Lisa Tillinghast
Corey Grant Tippin*, in honor of Tom Cashin
Michelle Tokarczyk & Paul Groncki
Naomi Torrisi
Dr. Regina Torsney-Durkin
Michele Tortorelli
Dennis Tracey
Anita Trotta
Janaima Tschape
Jillian Upham, in honor of Catherine Carr
Mary-Ann Valiulis
Jack Viertel
Noah Virgile
Kenneth & Judith Vittor
David Wagner
Monica Wagner
Jeff Walsh
Elaine & Brenda Walsh
Joan Waricha
Karen & James Weissberger
Janet West
Deborah Whitmore
Janice M. Willett
Vern & Kathleen Winters
Devera & Michael Witkin
Melissa Wohlgemuth
Arnold Wolf
Hannah Wunsch
Joanne & Andrew Wynkoop
Robert Young
Robert Yunich
Dorothy Zagami & Nancy Olsen
Jayne Zebrowski-Maler, in memory of Ernest Maler, Jr.
Lorette Zoitos
Cordelia Zukerman
Foundation, Corporate, and Government Supporters
$50,000 & above
The American Ireland Fund*
The Charina Endowment Fund
The Department of Foreign Affairs & The Consulate of Ireland in New York
The Howard Gilman Foundation
MacMillan Family Foundation
The Morris & Alma Schapiro Fund
New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
The Shubert Foundation
$10,000 – $19,999
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP*
Diamonstein-Spielvogel Foundation
The Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation
GHR Foundation
The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
The Kite Key Foundation
Leon Lowenstein Foundation
Michael Tuch Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
O’Neill Family Charitable Trust
The Waldman Foundation
$20,000 – $49,999
The Achelis & Bodman Foundation
Culture Ireland
The Harold & Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust
The Hugoton Foundation
Jewish Communal Fund
Leon Levy Foundation
$5,000 – $9,999
The Axe-Houghton Foundation
Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina
Dechert LLP
The Kors Le Pere Foundation*
The Lucille Lortel Foundation
The Muriel F. Siebert Foundation
The Richenthal Foundation
$1,000 – $4,999
The 515 Foundation
Apollo Global Management
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Caplan Family Foundation, Inc.
The Gustavus Remak Ramsay Charitable Gift Fund
Haley Foundation
The Lambs Foundation
The Rodgers & Hammerstein Foundation