Ellen McCourt, Chair
For more than 30 years, Irish Rep has remained the only year-round theater company in New York City dedicated exclusively to bringing Irish and Irish-American works to the stage. We have been able to explore this rich heritage thanks to the generosity of community members like you. Your membership, patronage, and ticket purchases have enabled us to create the Irish Rep of today.
When you support Irish Rep as part of your legacy, you join those most dedicated to maintaining Irish Rep’s mission: understanding the contemporary Irish-American experience through evocative works of theater, music, and dance, and you ensure that Irish Rep remains a home for high-quality theatre for future New Yorkers and devotees of Irish culture.
All those who make a legacy gift are invited to join the Frank McCourt Legacy Circle, named for the longtime Irish Rep company member whose Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir, Angela’s Ashes, catapulted him to fame.

In Irish Rep’s early years, Frank acted on our stage in the evenings, having retired after thirty years as a public school teacher. In 1997, a year after his breakout memoir was published, we premiered Frank’s enormously successful musical revue The Irish…and How They Got That Way and have revived it three times since. Frank believed in the future of Irish Rep: his royalties support Irish Rep’s operations each year, ensuring an important pillar of support.
The Legacy Circle stems from Frank’s dedication and generosity to the theatre throughout his life and recognizes those who make a legacy gift to ensure Irish Rep’s strong future.
As a member of the Frank McCourt Legacy Circle, you are eligible to receive the following benefits:
- Invitations to annual McCourt Circle luncheon and matinee performance
- McCourt Circle Listing in every Irish Rep program
- Commemorative McCourt Circle lapel pin
- Concierge ticketing and access to premium tickets for Irish Rep events
To join the Frank McCourt Legacy Circle, please click here to download a confidential planned gift intent form and return it to Irish Rep via email or mail. There are no dues or fees associated with membership in the McCourt Circle. To discuss planned giving options or to receive additional information, please contact Development Associate Anna Collins at 212.255.0270 or Anna.Collins@IrishRep.org.
Ellen McCourt, Chair
Anonymous, in honor of Charlotte Moore
Kathleen Begala
Dr. Linda L Byington
Edith Greenwood †
Jim and Pat Houlihan
Kathleen McGraw
Charlotte Moore
Colleen Murphy
Ciarán O’Reilly
Mary Lou and Joe Quinlan
Stephen Sondheim †
† Indicates that the patron is deceased