Listen, watch, or read before, during, or after your Performance on Screen!
What to Listen to:
Samuel Beckett loved music, and this love influenced his writing. Schubert was his favorite, and he particularly enjoyed the composer’s String Quintet in C Major.
“All the Dead Voices” is a radio documentary on Ireland’s RTÉ about Beckett’s life, recorded in honor of his 80th birthday at at the Samuel Beckett Conference in Paris in 1986.
What to Watch:
Bill Irwin discusses Samuel Beckett and his 2018 Irish Rep production of On Beckett in our own Meet the Maker: Bill Irwin on Samuel Beckett.
Bill Irwin demonstrates and explains clowning techniques in TheaterMania’s The Actor’s Craft: Clowning With Bill Irwin.
What to Read:
See how many you can tick off on Samuel Beckett’s list of book recommendations, including works such as The Catcher in the Rye and Around the World in 80 Days.
This article, titled “Samuel Beckett and the Theatre of Resistance,” is a reflection on how Beckett’s involvement in the French Resistance impacted his dramatic style.
Want to explore more of Beckett’s work? Start from the top, with the renowned plays Waiting for Godot and Endgame.
Catch up on some of our favorite reviews from our 2018 production of On Beckett.
What to Eat and Drink:
According to Beckett’s publisher and close friend John Calder, “Jameson was his staple drink and he was always brought bottles by visitors,” even during the time he spent in Paris. So grab a Jameson, or if you want to make something special, try the cocktail below!
The Samuel Beckett
via Oisin Davis at Newstalk
50 ml of your favorite Irish whiskey (We recommend Jameson!)
20 ml of Wexford honey syrup
1/2 teaspoon of poitín (learn more here)
2 sprigs of fresh thyme
Chill an old fashioned glass with some ice.
Muddle the thyme and honey in a mixing glass.
Throw in the whiskey and some ice. Stir for about twenty seconds.
Remove the ice from the glass and drop the poitin into it. Swirl it all round the glass to coat it.
Strain the cocktail into the glass. Garnish with another sprig of thyme. Sláinte!

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Read the performance program here!
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We’ve made a step-by-step guide that may help: read the SmartTV Guide here.